De mooiste cabrioritten in Europa
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Plan jouw eigen roadtrip in Europa in slechts enkele klikken! is ontstaan uit een passie voor autorijden. Naar onze mening ervaar je het autorijden én de omgeving het beste in een cabrio met open dak, ongeacht of het om een 2-zits roadster of een vierpersoons convertible gaat. Via deze website laten we je graag de door ons uitgestippelde routes ervaren, zowel in binnen- als buitenland.

Met kun je jouw eigen roadtrip op maat plannen door de tours, ritten en verbindingsroutes naar wens en in de gewenste volgorde te kiezen. Met alle informatie die je krijgt, kun je zelf bepalen welke accommodatie het beste bij je past en wat je wilt doen tijdens jouw roadtrip, naast het genieten van de cabrioritten uiteraard.

Wat is een roadtrip?

Een roadtrip is een combinatie van één of meerdere tours en ritten, inclusief verbindingsroutes tussen de verschillende tours als je dat wilt. De ritten van de tochten variëren tussen 150 en 225 km. De ritten, inclusief de stops, zijn allemaal door ons persoonlijk getest. Als je ervoor kiest om verbindingsroutes tussen de tours toe te voegen, ontvang je 3 optionele routes: de snelste route, de snelste route waarbij snelwegen worden vermeden en een toeristische route, allemaal met een maximum van ongeveer 400 km. De verbindingsroutes zijn niet getest en er zijn geen stops toegevoegd.

Hoe werkt het?

  1. Selecteer een tour waar je jouw roadtrip wilt beginnen.
  2. Voeg 1, 2 of (indien beschikbaar) 3 ritten van de gekozen tour toe aan jouw winkelwagen.
  3. Kies een extra tour als je meer ritten aan jouw roadtrip wilt toevoegen.
  4. Voeg verbindingsroutes toe tussen verschillende tours.
  5. Ga naar de check-out en bepaal of je een donatie wilt doen. Of (nog) niet aangezien de ritten gratis zijn.
  6. Login met jouw persoonlijke account om toegang te krijgen tot de inhoud van jouw roadtrip.

Waar wil je jouw roadtrip starten?


Klompen en Windmolens - Haarlem

De Klompen en Windmolens tour neemt je mee naar de mooie stad Haarlem, net ten oosten van Amsterdam in Nederland. De ritten laten je het deel van Nederland verkennen dat eigenlijk Holland heet: de provincies Noord- en Zuid-Holland. Je zult in staat zijn om klompen en windmolens te zien, waar Nederland beroemd om is. En hoewel dit deel van Nederland helemaal vlak is en zelfs het grootste deel onder de zeespiegel ligt, is er een aantal mooie ritten te doen over dijken en binnenwegen, die je naar enkele toeristische hoogtepunten in Nederland brengen!

Klompen en Windmolens ritten

Market Garden - Eindhoven

Met deze Market Garden-tour verken je het gebied waar operatie Market Garden werd gepland en gelanceerd. De attracties van de Market Garden tour zijn gevuld met interessante gedenktekens en musea, maar natuurlijk ook leuk rijden door de "Kempen" en "Peel en Maas" gebieden. En in Eindhoven of de omliggende dorpen zul je zeker de "Zuid-Nederlandse" gastvrijheid ervaren, waardoor dit een roadtrip is om nooit te vergeten.

Market Garden ritten

Dutch Mountains - Valkenburg

Officieel heeft de provincie Limburg geen bergen, maar wel heuvels. Het heuvelachtige land heet niet voor niets Het Heuvelland! Dus een goed gebied voor een aantal mooie ritten op tal van bochtige wegen. Valkenburg is een zeer populaire bestemming voor toeristen en beschikt daarom over alle faciliteiten die je zou willen om dit een perfecte plek te maken om te verblijven tijdens de Dutch Mountains tour.

Dutch Mountains ritten


Chocolade & Bier - Bruges

Het Vlaamse deel van België is overwegend vlak, maar dat betekent niet dat je in dit gebied geen mooie tochten kunt maken. Zelf waren we aangenaam verrast door het leuke rijden dat we met deze ritten hebben gedaan. En omdat dit de Chocolade & Bier tour is, hebben we een aantal stops "in thema" toegevoegd. We zijn er zeker van dat je van Brugge en omgeving zult houden!

Chocolade & Bier ritten



Operatie Overlord - Bayeux

Deze Operation Overlord-tour laat je natuurlijk alle hoogtepunten van Operatie Overlord en D-Day verkennen waar de regio Normandië beroemd om is. Maar het zal je ook laten zien dat Normandië meer te bieden heeft! En we zijn er zeker van dat je aangenaam verrast zult zijn door de stad Bayeux met al zijn faciliteiten en heerlijke sfeer. Een perfect centraal punt van onze tour hier en in totaal een zeer goede manier om vrije tijd door te brengen in Normandië.

Operatie Overlord ritten

Loirevallei - Tours

De Loire-vallei biedt glooiende groene heuvels en tal van kastelen uit de Renaissance. En in deze Lovely Loire tour laten we je natuurlijk beide ervaren: heerlijk rijden en prachtige uitzichten. De stad Tours is absoluut de meest aantrekkelijke stad langs de Loire-rivier en er is veel voor u om van te genieten tijdens uw verblijf daar. En daarom perfect centraal punt voor de Lovely Loire tour.

Loirevallei ritten

Delightful Dordogne - Sarlat la Caneda

In deze heerlijke Dordogne-tour kun je de groene heuvels van de Dordogne-vallei verkennen, met een prachtig uitzicht op de rivier en de kastelen waar deze regio beroemd om is. En aangezien de mooie stad Sarlat alle faciliteiten heeft die je tijdens jouw vakantie kunt wensen, is dit een perfect centraal punt voor deze tour. Genieten van een aantal mooie ritten in Frankrijk.

Delightful Dordogne ritten



Koninkrijk Navarra - Pamplona

Pamplona was de hoofdstad van het koninkrijk Navarra en ligt in een prachtige omgeving in Baskenland. In het noorden vindt je de Pyreneeën en in het zuiden het Rioja-gebied. En dus een perfect centraal punt voor de Koninkrijk Navarra tour. Het is een mooie stad waar je zeker een leuke tijd zult hebben op een - of meerdere - van de prachtige terrassen en kunt genieten van de geschiedenis.

Koninkrijk Navarra ritten

Spaanse Pyreneeën - Ainsa

Gelegen aan de zuidkant van en in het centrum van de Pyreneeën, is Ainsa het perfecte centrale punt om de Spaanse kant van de Pyreneeën te verkennen. En hoewel de ritten niet de hoogste bergpassen bevatten die in de Pyreneeën te vinden zijn, bieden de ritten je een aantal serieuze tochten in een prachtige omgeving. Met zijn historische centrum is Ainsa een mooie plaats om tijd te besteden tijdens de Spaanse Pyreneeën tour.

Spaanse Pyreneeën ritten
[{"content_id":"3","en":{"title":"Clogs & Windmills","description":"The Clogs & Windmills tour will take you to the lovely city of Haarlem, just East of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The rides will let you explore the part of the Netherlands that is actually called Holland: the provinces of North and South Holland. You will be able to see clogs and windmills, as that where Holland is famous for. And although this part of the Netherlands is completely flat and even most of it below sea level, there is some nice riding to do over dikes and backroads, bringing you to some #1 tourist highlights in the Netherlands!\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Clogs-Windmills\/_tourImage\/CW-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Clogs-Windmills\/_tourImageThumb\/CW-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/clogs-windmills","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Clogs-and-Windmills\/_headerImage\/CW-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Clogs-and-Windmills\/_headerImage\/CW-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Clogs-and-Windmills\/_headerImage\/CW-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"Netherlands\/Clogs-and-Windmills\/E-book-CW-Haarlem-with-its-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"vVZL4tkgQsg"},"nl":{"title":"Klompen en Windmolens","description":"De Klompen en Windmolens tour neemt je mee naar de mooie stad Haarlem, net ten oosten van Amsterdam in Nederland. De ritten laten je het deel van Nederland verkennen dat eigenlijk Holland heet: de provincies Noord- en Zuid-Holland. Je zult in staat zijn om klompen en windmolens te zien, waar Nederland beroemd om is. En hoewel dit deel van Nederland helemaal vlak is en zelfs het grootste deel onder de zeespiegel ligt, is er een aantal mooie ritten te doen over dijken en binnenwegen, die je naar enkele toeristische hoogtepunten in Nederland brengen!","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/molen.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/molen.png","link":"\/tours\/klompen-en-windmolens","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Haarlem","country":"nl","rating":"9","location":["52.38084450025477"," 4.6381"],"related_tours_1":["10","12","25","15395"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"4","en":{"title":"Clogs & Windmills ride 1","locations":["Bergen","Volendam","Zaanstad"],"video":"cJVmZWlDxkI","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Clogs-Windmills\/_videoImage\/CW-Ride-1.jpg","description":"This ride 1 of 180 km \/ 110 miles will take you North of Haarlem and Amsterdam over some of the most scenic roads in the province of North Holland. We have added a parking in a small village close to the Dutch coast for the first stop for coffee or tea. After that, this ride will take you to two #1 tourist highlights: the second stop of this ride will be in one of the most famous Dutch villages at the IJsselmeer for a nice little walk and some lunch. The third and last stop before we go back to Haarlem will be with a view on the most famous windmills of the Netherlands in an open air museum you do not want to miss."},"nl":{"title":"Klompen en Windmolens rit 1","locations":["Bergen","Volendam","Zaanstad"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/molens.png","description":"Deze rit 1 van 180 km brengt je ten noorden van Haarlem en Amsterdam over enkele van de mooiste wegen in de provincie Noord-Holland. We hebben een parkeerplaats toegevoegd in een klein dorpje dichtbij de Nederlandse kust voor de eerste stop voor koffie of thee. Daarna neemt deze rit je mee naar twee toeristische hoogtepunten: de tweede stop van deze rit is in een van de beroemdste Nederlandse dorpen aan het IJsselmeer voor een leuke kleine wandeling en een lunch. De derde en laatste stop, voordat we teruggaan naar Haarlem, is met uitzicht op de beroemdste molens van Nederland in een openluchtmuseum dat je niet wilt missen."},"place":"Haarlem","distance":{"km":"180","miles":"110"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"10"},{"content_id":"6","en":{"title":"Clogs & Windmills ride 2","locations":["Flower fields","Amsterdam"],"video":"GlKeARV4azc","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Clogs-Windmills\/_videoImage\/CW-Ride-2.jpg","description":"Ride 2 of the Clogs & Windmills tour is 150 km \/ 95 miles long, bringing you to the heart of the famous Dutch flower fields. Of course, we have a recommended stop for coffee\/tea and a tip for some unique sightseeing if you are here between mid March and the first week of May. After that, the ride will take you to a restaurant that we love and the capital of the Netherlands, with 2 more fun stops! Of course the ride will bring you back to the Haarlem area, where you can relax after another Quazy Ride!"},"nl":{"title":"Klompen en Windmolens rit 2","locations":["Bloemenvelden","Amsterdam"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/blauw.png","description":"Rit 2 van de Klompen en Windmolens-tour is 150 km lang en brengt je naar het hart van de beroemde Nederlandse bloemenvelden. Natuurlijk hebben we een aanbevolen stop voor koffie \/ thee en een tip voor een aantal unieke bezienswaardigheden als je hier bent tussen half maart en de eerste week van mei. Daarna brengt de rit je naar een restaurant waar we van houden en de hoofdstad van Nederland, met nog 2 leuke stops! Natuurlijk brengt de rit je terug naar de omgeving van Haarlem, waar je kunt ontspannen na weer een enerverende rit!"},"place":"Haarlem","distance":{"km":"150","miles":"95"},"difficulty":"20","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"7","en":{"title":"Clogs & Windmills ride 3","locations":["Gouda","Haarzuilens"],"video":"IOmccw6PG9U","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Clogs-Windmills\/_videoImage\/CW-Ride-3.jpg","description":"Ride 3 is the longest ride of the Clogs and Windmills tour: 190 km \/ 120 miles. There are plenty of possibilities to \u201ccut it short\u201d, but of course we do recommend to do the whole ride. The first stop is at the capital of cheese, with a nice walk around the city and of course if you want a coffee or tea in one of the cafes on the market square. For lunch, the ride will take you to a village you would not have found yourself, with a true gem just around the corner. There is a restaurant, but if you like to bring your own lunch for a picnic, this is the perfect spot to do so. You can have lunch with a view! And of course, the ride will end in the Haarlem area to enjoy another night on this Clogs and Windmills tour."},"nl":{"title":"Klompen en Windmolens rit 3","locations":["Gouda","Haarzuilens"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/gouda.png","description":"Rit 3 is de langste rit van de Klompen en Windmolens-tour: 190 km. Er zijn genoeg mogelijkheden om het \"kort te houden\", maar we raden natuurlijk wel aan om de hele rit te doen. De eerste stop is bij de hoofdstad van de kaas, met een mooie wandeling door de stad en natuurlijk als je een kopje koffie of thee wilt in een van de caf\u00e9s op het marktplein. Voor de lunch brengt de rit je naar een dorp dat je zelf niet zou hebben gevonden, met een echt juweeltje om de hoek. Er is een restaurant, maar als je graag je eigen lunch meeneemt voor een picknick, is dit de perfecte plek om dat te doen. Je kunt lunchen met uitzicht! En natuurlijk eindigt de rit in de omgeving van Haarlem om nog een nacht te genieten van deze Klompen en Windmolens-tour."},"place":"Haarlem","distance":{"km":"190","miles":"120"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"10","en":{"title":"Market Garden","description":"With this Market Garden tour you will be exploring the area where operation Market Garden was conceived and launched. The rides of the Market Garden tour are filled with interesting memorials and museums, but of course, also nice riding through the \u201cKempen\u201d and \"Peel en Maas\u201d areas. And in Eindhoven or its surrounding villages you will definitely experience the \u201cSouthern Dutch\u201d hospitality, making this a motorcycle roadtrip to remember.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_tourImage\/MG-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_tourImageThumb\/MG-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/market-garden","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_headerImage\/MG-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_headerImage\/MG-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_headerImage\/MG-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/E-book-MG-Eindhoven-and-its-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"8FOsk_soocw"},"nl":{"title":"Market Garden","description":"Met deze Market Garden-tour verken je het gebied waar operatie Market Garden werd gepland en gelanceerd. De attracties van de Market Garden tour zijn gevuld met interessante gedenktekens en musea, maar natuurlijk ook leuk rijden door de \"Kempen\" en \"Peel en Maas\" gebieden. En in Eindhoven of de omliggende dorpen zul je zeker de \"Zuid-Nederlandse\" gastvrijheid ervaren, waardoor dit een roadtrip is om nooit te vergeten.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/bloemen.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/bloemen.png","link":"\/tours\/market-garden","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Eindhoven","country":"nl","rating":"8","location":["51.43963299276684"," 5.4781"],"related_tours_1":["3","12","25","15395","15399","21347"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"14","en":{"title":"Market Garden ride 1","locations":["Kempen","Leopoldsburg"],"video":"3dKsZlewwv8","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_videoImage\/MG-Ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of the Market Garden tour will take you through the wooded area of the Kempen, with a lovely stop at a restaurant hidden within these woods. Later you will be heading towards the actual city where the ground offensive of operation Market Garden was launched, where you will be able to visit a Market Garden related museum. Ride 1 ends at the true Corridor where the liberators set foot on Dutch territory for the first time. With its 150 km \/ 93 miles you will have enough time to enjoy all the stops and the riding. A good first ride for the Market Garden tour."},"nl":{"title":"Market Garden rit 1","locations":["Kempen","Leopoldsburg"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/tank.png","description":"Rit 1 van de Market Garden-tour neemt je mee door de bosrijke omgeving van de Kempen, met een mooie stop bij een restaurant verborgen in deze bossen. Later ga je naar de stad waar het grondoffensief van operatie Market Garden werd gelanceerd, waar je een Market Garden-gerelateerd museum kunt bezoeken. Rit 1 eindigt bij de ware corridor waar de bevrijders voor het eerst voet op Nederlands grondgebied zetten. Met zijn 150 km heb je genoeg tijd om te genieten van alle stops en het rijden. Een goede eerste rit voor de Market Garden tour."},"place":"Eindhoven","distance":{"km":"150","miles":"93"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"7"},{"content_id":"15","en":{"title":"Market Garden ride 2","locations":["Kamp Vught","Wings of Liberation"],"video":"Cyx_ikaPsvE","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_videoImage\/MG-Ride-2.jpg","description":"In ride 2 of the Market Garden tour we will bring you to the two in our opinion best WW II related museums in this area. One more general WW II and one specifically about the operation Market Garden on the area where the airborne operation marked the beginning of the liberation of the Netherlands. With a nice stop for a drink and a bite to eat and another operation Market Garden related memorial this is another ride well in the Market Garden theme."},"nl":{"title":"Market Garden rit 2","locations":["Kamp Vught","Wings of Liberation"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/wachtpost.png","description":"In rit 2 van de Market Garden-tour brengen we je naar de twee naar onze mening beste WO II-gerelateerde musea in dit gebied. Een daarvan over WO II in het algemeen en de ander specifiek over de operatie Market Garden, op het gebied waar de luchtlandingsoperatie het begin van de bevrijding van Nederland markeerde. Met een leuke stop voor een drankje en een hapje eten en nog een operatie Market Garden-gerelateerd gedenkteken is dit weer een uitstekende rit in het Market Garden-thema."},"place":"Eindhoven","distance":{"km":"160","miles":"100"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"16","en":{"title":"Market Garden ride 3","locations":["Peel en Maas","Overloon"],"video":"zm1PNXf2xZA","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Market-Garden\/_videoImage\/MG-Ride-3.jpg","description":"As there is still enough nice riding to do in this area \u00e1nd we can recommend one more WW II related museum we added this ride 3 to the Market Garden tour. The ride of 165 km \/ 100 miles will take you riding in the valley of the river Meuse, which we will be crossing by a little ferry boat. With one of our favourite cafes as a stop for lunch another good ride in this Market Garden tour."},"nl":{"title":"Market Garden rit 3","locations":["Peel en Maas","Overloon"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/begraafplaats.png","description":"Omdat er nog genoeg leuk rijden te doen is in dit gebied \u00e9n we nog een WO II-gerelateerd museum kunnen aanbevelen, hebben we rit 3 toegevoegd aan de Market Garden-tour. De rit van 165 km brengt je in de vallei van rivier de Maas, die we zullen oversteken met een kleine veerboot. Met een van onze favoriete caf\u00e9s als stop voor de lunch n\u00f3g een goede rit in deze Market Garden-tour."},"place":"Eindhoven","distance":{"km":"165","miles":"100"},"difficulty":"20","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"12","en":{"title":"Dutch Mountains","description":"Officially the province of Limburg of the Netherlands does not have any mountains, but it sure has hills. Therefor it is called Het Heuvelland: the hilly country! So a good area for some nice motorcycle riding on plenty of winding roads. Valkenburg is a very popular destination for tourists and therefor has all the facilities you would want to make this a perfect place to stay during the Dutch Mountains tour.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_tourImage\/DM-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_tourImageThumb\/DM-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/dutch-mountains","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_headerImage\/DM-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_headerImage\/DM-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_headerImage\/DM-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/DM-Valkenburg-with-its-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"3JaWnqOuVzc"},"nl":{"title":"Dutch Mountains","description":"Officieel heeft de provincie Limburg geen bergen, maar wel heuvels. Het heuvelachtige land heet niet voor niets Het Heuvelland! Dus een goed gebied voor een aantal mooie ritten op tal van bochtige wegen. Valkenburg is een zeer populaire bestemming voor toeristen en beschikt daarom over alle faciliteiten die je zou willen om dit een perfecte plek te maken om te verblijven tijdens de Dutch Mountains tour.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/heuvels.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/heuvels.png","link":"\/tours\/dutch-mountains","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Valkenburg","country":"nl","rating":"9","location":["50.864003629302864"," 5.832"],"related_tours_1":["3","10","25","15395","15399"],"related_tours_2":["42"],"rides":[{"content_id":"19","en":{"title":"Dutch Mountains ride 1","locations":["Maastricht","Val Dieu"],"video":"Mv_gQpk_oLk","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_videoImage\/DM-Ride-1.jpg","description":"With ride 1 of the Dutch Mountains we will take you for 130 km \/ 80 miles of mainly winding roads through the hills of the province of Limburg. And the first stop is in the capital of the province, with a nice walk so you can taste the atmosphere of this lovely medieval city. And then, we are going to take you across the border into Belgium to a place that used to be called the valley of the devil, but since the 1200 now is described as the valley of god. You can do some proper sightseeing or just have a small walk around or drink or bite to eat at the restaurant just opposite of the road. And our ride 1 ends at one of our recommended accommodations just outside of Valkenburg for a nice refreshing drink on its beautiful terrace."},"nl":{"title":"Dutch Mountains rit 1","locations":["Maastricht","Val Dieu"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/kerk.png","description":"Met rit 1 van de Dutch Mountains-tour nemen we je mee voor 130 km van voornamelijk kronkelende wegen door de heuvels van de provincie Limburg. En de eerste stop is in de hoofdstad van de provincie, met een mooie wandeling zodat je de sfeer van deze mooie middeleeuwse stad kunt proeven. En dan nemen we je mee over de grens naar Belgi\u00eb naar een plaats die vroeger de vallei van de duivel werd genoemd, maar sinds 1200 wordt beschreven als de vallei van god. Je kunt enkele fraaie bezienswaardigheden bezoeken of gewoon een kleine wandeling maken of een drankje of hapje eten in het restaurant aan de overkant van de weg. En onze rit 1 eindigt bij een van onze aanbevolen accommodaties net buiten Valkenburg voor een lekker verfrissend drankje op het prachtige terras."},"place":"Valkenburg","distance":{"km":"130","miles":"80"},"difficulty":"50","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"20","en":{"title":"Dutch Mountains ride 2","locations":["Vaalserberg","Terlinden"],"video":"pPUuKXCIDu8","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Netherlands\/Dutch-Mountains\/_videoImage\/DM-Ride-2.jpg","description":"Luckily there are still enough nice backroads left for a second ride in the Dutch Mountains tour. Ride 2 is 140 km \/ 85 miles long and with this ride you will get to the highest point of the Netherlands and to the border of Belgium \u00e1nd Germany. With a kiosk for coffee or tea a perfect first Quazy Rides stop. After some more hills and curves you most probably will have an appetite, so we are bringing you to one of our favourite lunch stops in this area. And if you like strawberries, you are in for a treat! Going back to Valkenburg we have found some last hills that we wanted to take you on and we are ending this lovely ride 2 with a matching view at another of our recommended accommodations."},"nl":{"title":"Dutch Mountains rit 2","locations":["Vaalserberg","Terlinden"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/heuvel.png","description":"Gelukkig zijn er nog genoeg mooie binnenwegen over voor een tweede rit in de Dutch Mountains-tour. Rit 2 is 140 km lang en met deze rit kom je op het hoogste punt van Nederland en op de grens van Belgi\u00eb \u00e9n Duitsland. Met een kiosk voor koffie of thee een perfecte eerste stop. Na nog wat heuvels en bochten zul je waarschijnlijk trek krijgen, dus we nemen je mee naar een van onze favoriete lunchstops in dit gebied. En als je van aardbeien houdt, ben je in voor een traktatie! Teruggaand naar Valkenburg hebben we nog wat laatste heuvels gevonden waar we je op wilden nemen en we sluiten deze mooie rit 2 af met een bijpassend uitzicht op een andere door ons aanbevolen accommodatie."},"place":"Valkenburg","distance":{"km":"140","miles":"85"},"difficulty":"60","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"25","en":{"title":"Chocolate & Beer","description":"The Flanders area of Belgium is mainly flat, but that doesn\u2019t mean you can not do a nice motorcycle tour in this area. We ourselves were pleasantly surprised by the nice riding we have done with this rides. And this being the Chocolate and Beer tour we have added some stops \u201cin theme\u201d. We are sure you are going to love Bruges and its surroundings!\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_tourImage\/CB-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_tourImageThumb\/CB-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/chocolate-beer","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_headerImage\/CB-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_headerImage\/CB-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_headerImage\/CB-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/E-book-CB-Bruges-withits-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"43_PxlCSev8"},"nl":{"title":"Chocolade & Bier","description":"Het Vlaamse deel van Belgi\u00eb is overwegend vlak, maar dat betekent niet dat je in dit gebied geen mooie tochten kunt maken. Zelf waren we aangenaam verrast door het leuke rijden dat we met deze ritten hebben gedaan. En omdat dit de Chocolade & Bier tour is, hebben we een aantal stops \"in thema\" toegevoegd. We zijn er zeker van dat je van Brugge en omgeving zult houden!","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/gevels.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/gevels.png","link":"\/tours\/chocolade-bier","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Bruges","country":"be","rating":"9","location":["51.20815485068459"," 3.2253"],"related_tours_1":["3","10","12","15395","15399","15394"],"related_tours_2":["32","42"],"rides":[{"content_id":"26","en":{"title":"Chocolate & Beer ride 1","locations":["Hulst","Breskens","Damme"],"video":"mRmvmFlh0lY","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_videoImage\/CB-ride-1.jpg","description":"For ride 1 of the Chocolate & Beer tour we have found 200 km \/ 125 miles of really nice biker roads for you to enjoy. This ride will take you to the Flanders area in the Netherlands as well, but don\u2019t worry: also in this part of the Netherlands you will experience the Southern burgundy lifestyle. Of course the ride has some nice stops to enjoy a drink or bite to eat, with one of them truly in theme of the tour. And if you like fish, you\u2019re in for a treat!"},"nl":{"title":"Chocolade & Bier rit 1","locations":["Hulst","Breskens","Damme"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/muur.png","description":"Voor rit 1 van de Chocolate & Bier-tour hebben we 200 km aan echt mooie wegen gevonden om van te genieten. Deze rit brengt je ook naar Vlaanderen in Nederland, maar maak je geen zorgen: ook in dit deel van Nederland ervaar je de zuid-Bourgondische levensstijl. Natuurlijk heeft de rit een aantal leuke stops om te genieten van een drankje of een hapje te eten, waarvan er \u00e9\u00e9n echt in thema van de tour is. En als je van vis houdt, ben je in voor een traktatie!"},"place":"Bruges","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"27","en":{"title":"Chocolate & Beer ride 2","locations":["Ertvelde","Bellegem"],"video":"YSN5cvrgsL0","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Chocolate-and-Beer\/_videoImage\/CB-ride-2.jpg","description":"Another 200 km \/ 125 miles of surprisingly nice riding in ride 2 of the Chocolate & Beer tour. The stops that we added to this ride are even more in theme of the tour than ride 1. And we are ending ride 2 at a true and very cool biker stop, where you will definitely have a nice ending of your ride, enjoying a beer and maybe a burger!"},"nl":{"title":"Chocolade & Bier rit 2","locations":["Ertvelde","Bellegem"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/kasteel.png","description":"Nog eens 200 km verrassend leuk rijden in rit 2 van de Chocolade & Bier-tour. De stops die we aan deze rit hebben toegevoegd, zijn nog meer in thema van de tour dan rit 1. En we eindigen rit 2 bij een leuke restaurant, waar je zeker een mooie afsluiting van je rit zult hebben, genietend van een biertje en misschien een hamburger!"},"place":"Bruges","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"8"}]},{"content_id":"15395","en":{"title":"Battle of the Bulge","description":"Right in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes \u00e1nd the exact area where the Bulge of the Battle of the Bulge was situated we have 2 amazing rides. The Belgian Ardennes are a very nice area to enjoy riding your bike. And that all in combination with interesting sites where, if you want, you can get to know everything on the Battle of the Bulge, take impressive pictures with one of the many WWII memorials that you will come across but also nice stops for drinks and food! And with the lovely city of La Roche-en-Ardenne in typical and beautiful Ardennes landscape we are sure you will have a great time here during your own motorcycle roadtrip.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_tourImage\/BotB-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_tourImageThumb\/BotB-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/battle-of-the-bulge","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_headerImage\/33.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_headerImage\/32.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_headerImage\/31.jpg"],"pdf":"Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/E-Book-BOTB-La-Roche-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"gEnRj7cu3h4"},"nl":{"title":"Ardennenoffensief","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/ardennenoffensief","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"La Roche en Ardenne","country":"be","rating":"9","location":["50.18041824271058"," 5.5761"],"related_tours_1":["25","15394","15399","12","10","15397","3","21347"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"17158","en":{"title":"Battle of the Bulge ride 1","locations":["Baugnez 44","Stoumont 44","Durbuy"],"video":"4pLVIWvC-Qo","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_videoImage\/BotB-Ride-1.jpg","description":"The first ride of our Battle of the Bulge tour in the Belgian Ardennes is taking you East \u2013 North East of La Roche-en-Ardenne for some really nice biker roads! Throughout the Ardennes you will come across numerous bigger and smaller WW II related memorials. We have added 2 stops within the Battle of the Bulge theme: an interesting and impressive museum and a true KODAK moment! This together with good stops for drinks and food during the ride makes it a perfect route for a nice day out in the Belgian Ardennes."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"La Roche en Ardenne","distance":{"km":"190","miles":"118"},"difficulty":"65","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"17334","en":{"title":"Battle of the Bulge ride 2","locations":["Clervaux","Diekirch","Memorial du Masdasson"],"video":"UiLfX662Qi8","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Belgium\/Battle-of-the-Bulge\/_videoImage\/BotB-Ride-2.jpg","description":"With the second ride of our Battle of the Bulge tour in the Belgian Ardennes we will take you into BIKER PARADISE: the country of Luxembourg! Also this ride 2 is filled with WWII and Battle of the Bulge in particular museums and memorials, of course topped of with some nice coffee- and lunch stops. The Belgian Ardennes are a beautiful area to stay a bit longer during your motorcycle roadtrip. You will definitely enjoy it!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"La Roche en Ardenne","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"65","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"57816","en":{"title":"Flanders Fields","description":"ROUTES ARE TESTED. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER\/OCTOBER 2024","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/flanders-fields","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Ieper","country":"be","rating":"0","location":["50.85008948560571"," 2.8796"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[]},{"content_id":"32","en":{"title":"Operation Overlord","description":"This Operation Overlord tour will of course let you explore all the Operation Overlord and D-Day highlights the region of Normandy is famous for. But it will also show you that Normandy has more to offer! And we are sure that you will be pleasantly surprised by the city of Bayeux with all its facilities and lovely atmosphere. A perfect central point of our tour here and in total a very good way to spend some nice time in Normandy.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_tourImage\/OO-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_tourImageThumb\/OO-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/operation-overlord","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_headerImage\/OO-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_headerImage\/OO-header-3.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_headerImage\/OO-header-1.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/Operation-Overlord\/E-book-OO-Bayeux-with-its-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"h1tQnXwa0So"},"nl":{"title":"Operatie Overlord","description":"Deze Operation Overlord-tour laat je natuurlijk alle hoogtepunten van Operatie Overlord en D-Day verkennen waar de regio Normandi\u00eb beroemd om is. Maar het zal je ook laten zien dat Normandi\u00eb meer te bieden heeft! En we zijn er zeker van dat je aangenaam verrast zult zijn door de stad Bayeux met al zijn faciliteiten en heerlijke sfeer. Een perfect centraal punt van onze tour hier en in totaal een zeer goede manier om vrije tijd door te brengen in Normandi\u00eb.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/begraafplaats2.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/begraafplaats2.png","link":"\/tours\/operatie-overlord","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Bayeux","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["49.275334064514254"," -0.70"],"related_tours_1":["42","15394"],"related_tours_2":["25","38"],"rides":[{"content_id":"33","en":{"title":"Operation Overlord ride 1","locations":["Omaha Beach","St M\u00e8re \u00c9glise","Balleroy"],"video":"ySaQUs_lI4I","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_videoImage\/OO-Ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of the Operation Overlord tour will take you to some Operation Overlord related highlights that you do not want to miss: one of the largest cemeteries you can visit and an area where heavy fighting took place on D-Day. Our lunch stop is in a city that was one of the first cities to be liberated on D-Day, with a special commemoration. With some more nice riding through the lovely landscape of Normandy we will show you that Normandy has some non WW II pretty sights. With 160 km \/ 100 miles a good mix of some nice riding and sightseeing. This ride will give you a good first sight of Normandy."},"nl":{"title":"Operatie Overlord rit 1","locations":["Omaha Beach","St M\u00e8re \u00c9glise","Balleroy"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/kerk2.png","description":"Rit 1 van de Operation Overlord-tour neemt je mee naar enkele aan Operation Overlord gerelateerde hoogtepunten die je niet wilt missen: een van de grootste begraafplaatsen die je kunt bezoeken en een gebied waar zware gevechten plaatsvonden op D-Day. Onze lunchstop is in een stad die als een van de eerste steden werd bevrijd op D-Day, met een speciale herdenking. Met enkele mooie ritten door het prachtige landschap van Normandi\u00eb zullen we je laten zien dat Normandi\u00eb ook een aantal mooie niet-WO II bezienswaardigheden heeft. Met 160 km een goede mix van een aantal fraaie ritten en bezienswaardigheden. Deze rit geeft je een goed eerste zicht op Normandi\u00eb."},"place":"Bayeux","distance":{"km":"160","miles":"100"},"difficulty":"20","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"34","en":{"title":"Operation Overlord ride 2","locations":["Chateau Canon","Route du Cidre","Arromanches"],"video":"D9eDmaD5z1M","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Operation-Overlord\/_videoImage\/OO-Ride-2.jpg","description":"In ride 2 of the Operation Overlord we are going to start with some other sights of Normandy and some lovely riding on small winding roads through pretty villages. But this being the Operation Overlord tour we will also bring you to two more Operation Overlord highlights that, if you are interested in this part of history, also should go and check out. The first one being the place where the first house in occupied France was liberated in the early morning of 6 June 1944. The second one where the allied forces had built an impressive artificial port that played an important role in the operation after D-Day. And this all in a combination with 190 km \/ 118 miles of nice motorcycle riding!"},"nl":{"title":"Operatie Overlord rit 2","locations":["Chateau Canon","Route du Cidre","Arromanches"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/vlaggen.png","description":"In rit 2 van de Operatie Overlord-tour starten we met wat andere bezienswaardigheden van Normandi\u00eb en een aantal mooie ritten over kleine kronkelende wegen door mooie dorpjes. Maar omdat dit de Operation Overlord-tour is, brengen we je ook naar nog twee hoogtepunten van Operation Overlord die, als je ge\u00efnteresseerd bent in dit deel van de geschiedenis, ook moet gaan bekijken. De eerste is de plaats waar het eerste huis in bezet Frankrijk in de vroege ochtend van 6 juni 1944 werd bevrijd. De tweede waar de geallieerden een indrukwekkende kunstmatige haven hadden gebouwd die een belangrijke rol speelde in de operatie na D-Day. En dit alles in combinatie met 190 km aangenaam rijden!"},"place":"Bayeux","distance":{"km":"190","miles":"118"},"difficulty":"30","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"42","en":{"title":"Lovely Loire","description":"The Loire Valley offers rolling green hills and numerous renaissance castles. And in this Lovely Loire tour we will of course let you experience both: lovely riding and beautiful views. The city of Tours is definitely the most attractive city along the river Loire and there is a lot for you to enjoy during your stay there. And therefore perfect central point for the Lovely Loire tour.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_tourImage\/LL-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_tourImageThumb\/LL-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/lovely-loire","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_headerImage\/LL-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_headerImage\/LL-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_headerImage\/LL-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/Lovely-Loire\/E-book-LL-Tours-with-it-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"FL1-c21dN24"},"nl":{"title":"Loirevallei","description":"De Loire-vallei biedt glooiende groene heuvels en tal van kastelen uit de Renaissance. En in deze Lovely Loire tour laten we je natuurlijk beide ervaren: heerlijk rijden en prachtige uitzichten. De stad Tours is absoluut de meest aantrekkelijke stad langs de Loire-rivier en er is veel voor u om van te genieten tijdens uw verblijf daar. En daarom perfect centraal punt voor de Lovely Loire tour.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/bootje.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/bootje.png","link":"\/tours\/loirevallei","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Tours","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["47.39469699991209"," 0.6871"],"related_tours_1":["38","32","15394","15397","15421","15399"],"related_tours_2":["69","68","25","12"],"rides":[{"content_id":"43","en":{"title":"Lovely Loire ride 1","locations":["Chinon","Saumur","Villandry"],"video":"zHeegydnJww","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_videoImage\/LL-ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of the Lovely Loire tour contains 175 km \/ 108 miles of really lovely riding in the green Loire Valley. \u00c1nd we have added views on 4 of the most beautiful chateaus that you can find in the Loire Valley. Of course with nice stops for drinks and food, so a perfect ride in this beautiful French Loire region."},"nl":{"title":"Loirevallei rit 1","locations":["Chinon","Saumur","Villandry"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/kasteel3.png","description":"Rit 1 van de Loirevallei-tour bevat 175 km aan heerlijk rijden in de groene Loire-vallei. \u00c9n we hebben uitzicht toegevoegd bij 4 van de mooiste kastelen die je in de Loire-vallei kunt vinden. Uiteraard met leuke stops voor drankjes en eten, dus een perfecte rit in deze prachtige Franse Loirestreek."},"place":"Tours","distance":{"km":"175","miles":"108"},"difficulty":"50","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"44","en":{"title":"Lovely Loire ride 2","locations":["Montr\u00e9sor","Chenonceaux","Amboise"],"video":"C2UEJQNpmFg","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Lovely-Loire\/_videoImage\/LL-ride-2.jpg","description":"How about this content for a ride: one of the most beautiful villages, the most beautiful renaissance chateau and the most important building in French history? All combined with 185 km \/ 115 miles of the nice sweeping bends the Loire Valley has to offer. That is ride 2 of the Lovely Loire tour and another perfect ride in the Lovely Loire area!"},"nl":{"title":"Loirevallei rit 2","locations":["Montr\u00e9sor","Chenonceaux","Amboise"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/kasteel2.png","description":"Wat dacht je van de volgende inhoud voor een ritje: een van de mooiste dorpen, het mooiste Renaissance-kasteel en het belangrijkste gebouw uit de Franse geschiedenis? Alles gecombineerd met 185 km van de mooie weidse bochten die de Loire-vallei te bieden heeft. Dat is rit 2 van de Loirevallei-tour en nog een perfecte rit in het Loirevalei-gebied!"},"place":"Tours","distance":{"km":"185","miles":"115"},"difficulty":"50","rating":"8"}]},{"content_id":"38","en":{"title":"Delicious Dordogne","description":"In this Delicious Dordogne tour you will be able to explore the green hills of the Dordogne valley, with beautiful views on the river and the castles that this region is famous for. And as the lovely city of Sarlat has all the facilities you would want during your holiday, a perfect central point for this tour and enjoy some nice riding in France.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_tourImage\/DD-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_tourImageThumb\/DD-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/delicious-dordogne","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_headerImage\/DD-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_headerImage\/DD-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_headerImage\/DD-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/E-book-DD-Sarlat-with-its-recommended-accommodations-min.pdf","video":"Mu2xpoR2sz8"},"nl":{"title":"Delightful Dordogne","description":"In deze heerlijke Dordogne-tour kun je de groene heuvels van de Dordogne-vallei verkennen, met een prachtig uitzicht op de rivier en de kastelen waar deze regio beroemd om is. En aangezien de mooie stad Sarlat alle faciliteiten heeft die je tijdens jouw vakantie kunt wensen, is dit een perfect centraal punt voor deze tour. Genieten van een aantal mooie ritten in Frankrijk.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/dordogne.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/dordogne.png","link":"\/tours\/delightful-dordogne","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Sarlat la Caneda","country":"fr","rating":"10","location":["44.88920241922246"," 1.2168"],"related_tours_1":["42","68","69","15420","15421"],"related_tours_2":["32"],"rides":[{"content_id":"39","en":{"title":"Delicious Dordogne ride 1","locations":["Monpazier","Les Eyzies","Marquessac"],"video":"zzhNHxoSgpA","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_videoImage\/DD-Ride-1.jpg","description":"With ride 1 in the Delicious Dordogne tour we will have 205 km \/ 125 miles of very nice riding to do, following the most winding roads in the region of the Dordogne. Of course we have some stops planned with views on the river and a few of the Chateau\u2019s that this area of France is famous for. With another stop in a village that is labelled as one of the most beautiful village of France, a perfect ride to explore this part of the Dordogne region, West of Sarlat."},"nl":{"title":"Delicious Dordogne rit 1","locations":["Monpazier","Les Eyzies","Marquessac"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/veld.png","description":"Met rit 1 in de heerlijke Dordogne-tour hebben we 205 km aan zeer mooi touren te doen, langs de meest bochtige wegen in de regio van de Dordogne. Natuurlijk hebben we een aantal stops gepland met uitzicht op de rivier en een paar van de chateau's waar dit deel van Frankrijk beroemd om is. Met nog een stop in een dorp dat wordt bestempeld als een van de mooiste dorpen van Frankrijk. Een perfecte rit om dit deel van de Dordogne-regio, ten westen van Sarlat, te verkennen."},"place":"Sarlat la Caneda","distance":{"km":"205","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"50","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"40","en":{"title":"Delicious Dordogne ride 2","locations":["Rocamadour","Domme"],"video":"kbzGFaWqNCM","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Delicious-Dordogne\/_videoImage\/DD-Ride-2.jpg","description":"Also East of Sarlat there is a lot of nice riding to do, so that is where we are taking you in ride 2 of the Delicious Dordogne tour. And we are going to bring you to a view that stuck with us ever since we saw it years ago! This all combined with nice places to have a drink, lunch or even a lovely ice cream and therefore a perfect ride in this area."},"nl":{"title":"Delicious Dordogne rit 2","locations":["Rocamadour","Domme"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/dal.png","description":"Ook ten oosten van Sarlat is het leuk rijden, dus daar nemen we je mee naar toe in rit 2 van de heerlijke Dordogne-tour. En we gaan je naar een uitzicht brengen dat ons is bijgebleven sinds we het jaren geleden zagen! Dit alles gecombineerd met leuke plekjes om een drankje, lunch of een heerlijk ijsje te nuttigen en dus een perfecte rit in dit gebied."},"place":"Sarlat la Caneda","distance":{"km":"180","miles":"110"},"difficulty":"70","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"15394","en":{"title":"Monet's Trail","description":"When we think of Normandy, we immediately think of the D-Day landing beaches and the Operation Overlord that took place there. But Normandy has WAY MORE to offer than just WWII memorials. In this tour we are exploring the more inland part of beautiful Normandy and we have taken the French impressionist painter Claude Monet as our inspiration.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_tourImage\/MT-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_tourImageThumb\/MT-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/monets-trail","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_headerImage\/28.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_headerImage\/29.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_headerImage\/30.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/Monets-Trail\/E-book-MT-Rouen-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"NofnSZryLiA"},"nl":{"title":"Monet's Pad","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/monets-pad","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Rouen","country":"fr","rating":"8","location":["49.440792092278585"," 1.094"],"related_tours_1":["32","42","25","15399","15395","15397"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"16860","en":{"title":"Monet's Trail ride 1","locations":["Lyons-la-Foret","Giverny","Les Andelys"],"video":"mT2j9bd9qmQ","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_videoImage\/MT-Ride-1.jpg","description":"In ride 1 of Monet's Trail tour we are taking you to the absolute Monet highlight in this area: his house and gardens. Of course with a lovely ride. And before we get to Giverny we have a coffee stop in the lovely village of Lyons-la-Foret. And to end this ride in style the ride will bring you to not 1 but 2 AMAZING views. One on the area that is called the Haute Seine and one on the ciry of Rouen. A very nice way to explore this part of Normandy!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Rouen","distance":{"km":"205","miles":"127"},"difficulty":"40","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"16925","en":{"title":"Monet's Trail Ride 2","locations":["Les Ponts de la Seine","Honfleur"],"video":"hMar6xcDNJ4","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Monets-Trail\/_videoImage\/MT-Ride-2.jpg","description":"With ride 2 in this Monet's Trail tour we are going to the absolute lovely city of Honfleur where Monet used to love to paint with the changing light. To get there, the ride crosses the Parc Naturel R\u00e9gional des Boucles de la Seine Normande crossing the river Seine with the 3 impressive bridges in this area: the Pont de Brotonne, the Pont de Tancarville and the Pont de Normandie."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Rouen","distance":{"km":"215","miles":"134"},"difficulty":"10","rating":"7"}]},{"content_id":"15397","en":{"title":"Medieval Morvan","description":"WOW WOW WOW!\nWow is actually the only word we can think of when we think of the 3 rides that we have in the Morvan It really felt like we found a hidden gem! The Morvan, also called the green lungs of the Bourgogne, is a natural park with mountains, hills, forests, lakes and rivers.......and a lot of very nice twisting roads to discover it all with a beautiful motorcycle tour. And with good stops for drinks, food and a bit of sigthseeing if you want in very enjoyable medieval towns - one even more pretty than the other - we had an AMAZING time with our Medieval Morvan tour. And pssssst. let me tell you a little secret. Ride 3 was our absolute favourite!\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_tourImage\/Medieval-Morvan-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_tourImageThumb\/Medieval-Morvan-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/medieval-morvan","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_headerImage\/36.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_headerImage\/35.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_headerImage\/34.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/Medieval-Morvan\/E-book-MM-Avallon-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"tGMF3iVC9kI"},"nl":{"title":"Middeleeuws Morvan","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/middeleeuws-morvan","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Avallon","country":"fr","rating":"10","location":["47.48740241684599"," 3.9071"],"related_tours_1":["15399","15394","42","15421","15395"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"17559","en":{"title":"Medieval Morvan ride 1","locations":["Lormes","Saulieu","Semur-en-Auxois"],"video":"pMrFCRNcp8w","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_videoImage\/Medieval-Morvan-RIde-1.jpg","description":"With ride 1 of this Medieval Morvan tour we\u2019re gonna go South to dive straight into the Morvan, the green lungs of the Bourgogne area. On the map the roads look like amazing bike roads. This with 3 very nice stops to enjoy a coffee, some food, the views and the medieval cities in the Morvan does make it a perfect ride for a motorcycle tour."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Avallon","distance":{"km":"220","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"70","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"17587","en":{"title":"Medieval Morvan ride 2","locations":["Chablis","Auxerre"],"video":"wS1iQJ9QB_g","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_videoImage\/Medieval-Morvan-RIde-2.jpg","description":"To be honest, this ride 2 of our Medieval Morvan tour is not actually taking you into the true Morvan. No, this ride 2 will take you North of Avallon into the Yonne department or the area what is called the Basse Bourgougne, the low Bourgogne. And believe us: also super for a nice motorcycle ride! And we will stop in two beautiful medieval cities! A lovely way to have a bit of variety in your motorcycle tour. And as it is a bit shorter ride, you will have plenty of time to enjoy the stops.\n"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Avallon","distance":{"km":"165","miles":"100"},"difficulty":"40","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"17674","en":{"title":"Medieval Morvan ride 3","locations":["Saut de Gouloux","Chateau Chinon","Vezelay"],"video":"ZYZF5JEqJco","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Medieval-Morvan\/_videoImage\/Medieval-Morvan-Ride-3.jpg","description":"As there were still so many roads to discover in the Morvan area, we added a 3d ride to this Medieval Morvan tour. And man are we glad we did. WOW! This ride will take you South of Avallon into the Morvan again, going as South as we can get in this 1 day ride. With this ride you really get to enjoy touring through the mountains, hills and forests of the Morvan hitting some of the lakes and rivers too giving us some beautiful views. And with 3 stops a perfect motorcycle ride. We rated this ride with a 10 out of 10. A-MA-ZING!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Avallon","distance":{"km":"215","miles":"133"},"difficulty":"75","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"15399","en":{"title":"Sipping Champagne","description":"There is a saying on the 3 most famous French wines: Bourgogne makes you think of silly things, Bordeaux makes you talk about them, and Champagne makes you do them. So we had to come and explore the Champagne area in a Quazy Rides tour! We're exploring the Parc naturel r\u00e9gional de la Montagne de Reims, the Marne valley, the vineyards and champagne villages in the so called Golden Triangle of Champagne during the day and getting to know everything about the \"devine nectar\" after 2 beautiful rides at night. Including some tasting of course!","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_tourImage\/Sipping-Champagne-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_tourImageThumb\/Sipping-Champagne-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/sipping-champagne","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_headerImage\/39.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_headerImage\/38.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_headerImage\/37.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/Sipping-Champagne\/E-book-SC-\u00c9pernay-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"tkKEUp3G9UU"},"nl":{"title":"Champagnetour","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/champagnetour","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Epernay","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["49.0434847800682"," 3.95791"],"related_tours_1":["15395","15397","25","10","12","15394","42"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"18181","en":{"title":"Sipping Champagne Ride 1","locations":["Verzenay","Reims","Mus\u00e9e dela Reddition"],"video":"ea17X0o9YIM","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_videoImage\/Sipping-Champagne-Ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of the Sipping Champagne tour is going North of \u00c9pernay for a beautiful motorcycle ride in the Parc Naturel regional de la Montagne de Reims. You will get some amazing views on the Champagne vineyards, maybe with a bit of help, but will be crossing the forests too. And for lunch and some sightseeing if you want this ride has a stop in the nice city of Reims."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Epernay","distance":{"km":"185","miles":"115"},"difficulty":"20","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"18331","en":{"title":"Sipping Champagne Ride 2","locations":["Montmirail","Chateau-Thierry","Hautvillers"],"video":"DM1UbtMN8aM","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Sipping-Champagne\/_videoImage\/Sipping-Champagne-Ride-2.jpg","description":"This ride 2 of the Sipping Champagne tour is the longer ride of the 2 we have in this tour and is going South of \u00c9pernay, leaving the Parc de la Montagne de Reims at first going into the French rolling farmlands. In this ride you will explore the Marne Valley and of course we will get back to the vineyards of the Golden Triangle of Champagne with a stop in maybe the most important champagne villages to visit the grave of Dom Perignon!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Epernay","distance":{"km":"225","miles":"140"},"difficulty":"35","rating":"8"}]},{"content_id":"15420","en":{"title":"French Pyrenees","description":"The towering Pyrenees in South-Western France lie between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This mountainous area, in which the wild Parc National des Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es is located, is claimed to be a paradise for hikers, fishermen and skiers. And although the Pyrenees are quit green in France and the weather in this area is cool, it is also a paradise for motorbikers. Of course you have to be a bit lucky with the weather, but the scenery is beautiful.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_tourImage\/French-Pyrenees-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_tourImageThumb\/French-Pyrenees-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/french-pyrenees","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_headerImage\/51.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_headerImage\/50.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_headerImage\/49.jpg"],"pdf":"France\/French-Pyrenees\/E-BOOK-Lourdes-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"dMRq5F_isHo"},"nl":{"title":"Franse Pyrenee\u00ebn","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/franse-pyreneeen","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Lourdes","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["43.09810690271499"," -0.048"],"related_tours_1":["68","69","15401","38"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"19987","en":{"title":"French Pyrenees Ride 1","locations":["Col de d\u2019Aspin","Pic du Midi","Col du Tourmalet"],"video":"iIAM2qPtdb4","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_videoImage\/French-Pyrenees-Ride-1.jpg","description":"With ride 1 of the French Pyrenees we are taking you East of Lourdes to 2 of the most well known mountain passes of the French Pyrenees. De Col de d\u2019Aspin and the Col du Tourmalet. So the ride is filled with real nice, but serious mountain roads, with serious hairpins and beautiful views. A motorcycle ride at its best!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Lourdes","distance":{"km":"175","miles":"109"},"difficulty":"60","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"20055","en":{"title":"French Pyrenees Ride 2","locations":["Col de Soulor","Col d\u2019Aubisque","Col de Marie-Blanque"],"video":"A_3zsI46dGQ","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Pyrenees\/_videoImage\/French-Pyrenees-Ride-2.jpg","description":"With ride 2 we are going the other way into the part of the Pyrenees West of Lourdes. The ride will bring you to 3 very famous mountain passes: Col de Soulor \u2013 Col d\u2019Aubisque \u2013 Col de Marie-Blanque. All VERY nice to ride and we even liked this ride more than we already liked ride 1!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Lourdes","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"75","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"15421","en":{"title":"Volcanoes of the Auvergne","description":"The Parc Naturel Regional des Volcans d\u2019Auvergne in the Massif Central truly has unique and distinctive landscapes, different than many well known other mountain landscapes. And this region is far less known amongst motorcycle riders. But we can assure you that you can do some pretty nice rides in this ares of France as well. You will get to enjoy views on those volcanoes, the winding roads through gorges and enjoyable stops in picturesque mountain villages 2 unique rides ready to use in your own roadtip. And of course we have tips on what to do and where to stay in the central point of this tour, the city of Clermont-Ferrand.\n\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_tourImage\/VotA-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_tourImageThumb\/VotA-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/volcanoes-of-the-auvergne","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_headerImage\/Tourheader-VofA-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_headerImage\/Tourheader-VofA-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_headerImage\/Tourheader-VofA-1.png"],"pdf":"France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/E-BOOK-Clermont-Ferrand-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"cbeytTs7mgA"},"nl":{"title":"Vulkanen van de Auvergne","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/vulkanen-van-de-auvergne","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Clermont-Ferrand","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["45.77635529698225"," 3.0827"],"related_tours_1":["15397","38","42"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"21124","en":{"title":"Volcanoes of the Auvergne Ride 1","locations":["Chateau de Murol","Puy de Sancy","Mont-Dore","Puy de Dome"],"video":"uH7LlsHSNdo","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_videoImage\/VotA-Ride-1.png","description":"Ride 1 of the Volcanoes of the Auvergne tour is going South of Clermont-Ferrand, diving into the Parc Naturel Regional des Volcans d\u2019Auvergne. And the ride will pas an impressive fortress, the Puy de Montchal and circling aroung the massive Puy de Sancy. The stops are in picturesque mountain towns and the ride will ending at the foot of one of the most famous volcanoes in this area: the Puye de Dome. So 200 km \/ 125 miles to fully enjoy this part of the Massif Central!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Clermont-Ferrand","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"75","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"21235","en":{"title":"Volcanoes of the Auvergne ride 2","locations":["Gorges de la Sioule","Gorge de Chouvigny","Viaduc des Fades"],"video":"MPneMXFvO8c","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Volcanoes-of-the-Auvergne\/_videoImage\/VotA-Ride-2.png","description":"Ride 2 of the Volcanoes of the Auvergne tour is not in the Parc Naturel Regional des Volcans d\u2019Auvergne, as this ride goes North of Clermont-Ferrand. But that doesn\u2019t mean the ride doesn't bring you some nice riding. Especially following the river Sioule through the Gorges de la Sioule, such as the Gorge de Chouvigny, offers some nice curvy roads. And of course we added a good coffee- \u00e1nd lunchstop and you will even get a view on the highest railway viaduct in France. 180 kilometres \/ 110 miles of fun in the Auvergne!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Clermont-Ferrand","distance":{"km":"180","miles":"110"},"difficulty":"60","rating":"8"}]},{"content_id":"21347","en":{"title":"Battle of the Somme","description":"Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department in the North of France and located just north of the Somme Valley. During World War I, the great war, Arras was literally hit in the heart and almost completely destroyed. The battlefields of the Western front and the Battle of the Somme in particular lie along the river Somme and its tributaries between Arras and Amiens in the direction South \/ South-west of Arras. Arras and the Somme Valley can be described as a beautiful, atmospheric and cosy, but with a very moving history. In this tour you will get to enjoy some nice riding in the area of the Somme Valley, get to know more about the Battle of the Somme \u00e1nd pay respect to all the people who left their lives in this battle and the great war.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_tourImage\/Battle-of-the-Somme-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_tourImageThumb\/Battle-of-the-Somme-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/battle-of-the-somme","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_headerImage\/Tourheader-BotS-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_headerImage\/Tourheader-BotS-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_headerImage\/Tourheader-BotS-1.png"],"pdf":"France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/E-BOOK-Arras-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"znu0TuoB4t0"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Arras","country":"fr","rating":"8","location":["50.29092711678345"," 2.7783"],"related_tours_1":["15395","10"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"22331","en":{"title":"Battle of the Somme 1","locations":["Memorial Terre Neuvien","Villes-Bretonneuc Memorial","Amiens","Monument comm\u00e9moratif du Canada \u00e0 Vimy"],"video":"VxhyvlJBx-4","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_videoImage\/Battle-of-the-Somme-Ride-1.png","description":"This ride 1 is filled with WWI memorials with regards to the actual battle of the Somme that took place here. But in between we did find some nice roads to cruise and feel the wind in your face to process all the impressions that you get at the stops. So still a very enjoyable ride in combination of getting to know more on this dark part of history: the great war. And of course paying respect to all the fallen. "},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Arras","distance":{"km":"220","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"25","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"22636","en":{"title":"Battle of the Somme 2","locations":["Historial de la Grande Guerre","Lochnagar Crater","Albert","Thiepval Memorial"],"video":"Bsox28bNBkQ","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Battle-of-the-Somme\/_videoImage\/Battle-of-the-Somme-Ride-2.png","description":"Ride 2 still has stops at some of the most impressive WWI memorials in this region, but this ride also shows that the Somme Valley is not only about war memorials. It offers some great motorcycle touring and pretty views as well! So a perfect combination to explore the Somme Valley in the Pas de Calais district of France."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Arras","distance":{"km":"180","miles":"110"},"difficulty":"15","rating":"7"}]},{"content_id":"21352","en":{"title":"Ballons des Vosges","description":"The Ballons des Vosges Regional Nature Park is one of the largest Natural Parks in France with 3 000 km\u00b2 \/ 1160 miles\u00b2. It is home to 14 peaks, the highest of which, the Grand Ballon d'Alsace, reaches a height of 1.424 metres \/ 4671 ft. The area is PERFECT for some nice motorcycle roads if you're not afraid of some twisties here and there. Of course one of our rides will be going over the Grand Ballon and the mountainous area, but we will also explore the Alsace and its vineyards in this tour. And Colmar is a beautiful city located in the heart of Alsace, surrounded by those vineyards of Alsace, but also perfect to explore the mountains of the Vosges from.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_tourImage\/Ballons-des-Vosges-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_tourImageThumb\/Ballons-des-Vosges-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/ballons-des-vosges","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_headerImage\/Header-BdV-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_headerImage\/Header-BdV-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_headerImage\/Header-BdV-1.png"],"pdf":"France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/E-BOOK-Colmar-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"B00ErnT7I9I"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Colmar","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["48.07922977459836"," 7.3575"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"24006","en":{"title":"Ballons des Vosges 1","locations":["La Schlucht","Le Hohneck","Grand Ballon","Le Markstein"],"video":"mcKVMhP7fCE","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_videoImage\/Ballons-des-Vosges-1.png","description":"In this ride you will be exploring the Ballons des Vosges Regional Nature Park on beautiful twisting roads through the forests and over the passes. Of course we added some stops to enjoy a drink or a bite to eat, be amazed by the views and stretch your legs so you can keep going on this motorcycle ride. A perfect ride to explore this part South \/ South-West of Colmar."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Colmar","distance":{"km":"220","miles":"137"},"difficulty":"75","rating":"10"},{"content_id":"24104","en":{"title":"Ballons des Vosges 2","locations":["Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines","Obernai","Chateau K\u00f6ningsbourg"],"video":"RXabxK1UvZ4","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/Ballons-des-Vosges\/_videoImage\/Ballons-des-Vosges-2.png","description":"As Colmar is situated in the middle of the Alsace region in France, it would be a waste not to explore this part in a ride as well. There's still some mountains and hills to ride in and of course you will come across some vineyards in this ride. With a stop in one of the iconic stages on the Route des Vins d'Alsace and a medieval castle with pretty amazing views on its surroundings another ride not to be missed!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Colmar","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"65","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"21393","en":{"title":"French Alps NORTH","description":"The impressive mountain range the Alps stretches across the countries of Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland and even a bit over Germany and Slovenia. One-fifth of it lies in France. Did you know it has as many as 128 peaks rising above 4,000 metres \/ 13.123 ft. With Annecy as our central point we\u2019re at the Northern part of the Alps. Although we have some amazing riding to do in the 3 (!) ride we have in this tour already conquering some of the very well know Alps mountain passes, we cannot cover the whole of the French Alps form Annecy. We don\u2019t have the SOUTH tour yet\u2026\u2026 but as we know there is a lot of nice riding to do in that area as well it is HIGH on our list. But for now, we can share the rides of this French Alps North tour.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_tourImage\/French-Alps-NORTH-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_tourImageThumb\/French-Alps-NORTH-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/french-alps-north","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_headerImage\/FAN-header-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_headerImage\/FAN-header-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_headerImage\/FAN-header-1.png"],"pdf":"France\/French-Alps-North\/E-BOOK-Annecy-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"OS5xUmg6J4Q"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Annecy","country":"fr","rating":"9","location":["45.89858638116274"," 6.1278"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"28413","en":{"title":"French Alps North 1","locations":["Col de la Colombiere","Morzine","L'Observatoire"],"video":"l6KAk1V7l-8","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_videoImage\/French-Alps-NORTH-Ride-1.png","description":"With Annecy as our central point of this tour we\u2019re at the Northern part of the Alps and with this ride 1 we\u2019re going even a bit more North towards Morzine, a famous traditional ski resort just South of Lac L\u00e9man, the lake of Geneva. But before we get there for a spectacular view on that lake and an amazing ride over the Route des 3 lacs we are first conquering de Col de la Colombiere. So a lot of fun in the North part of the French Alps!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Annecy","distance":{"km":"218","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"85","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"28529","en":{"title":"French Alps North 2","locations":["Aix-les-Bains","Lac d'Annecy","Col du Marais","Chateau de Menthon - Saint-Bernard"],"video":"-LiD_ym0BDw","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_videoImage\/French-Alps-NORTH-Ride-2.png","description":"With this ride 2 of the French Alps North tour we will be circling around Lac d\u2019Annecy almost in its entirety. But first we\u2019re heading West to go to another lake: Lac du Bourget. We have a coffeestop in Aix-les-Bains at the shore of Lac du Bourget, lunchstop at the South tip of Lac d'Annecy and a nice col and view on Chateau de Menthon to top this ride off. Another very enjoyable ride in the North part of the French Alps."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Annecy","distance":{"km":"195","miles":"121"},"difficulty":"80","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"28819","en":{"title":"Fench Alps North 3","locations":["Col des Aravis","Col du Pr\u00e9","Lac Roselend","Albertville"],"video":"qAdTho5faP4","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/France\/French-Alps-North\/_videoImage\/French-Alps-NORTH-Ride-3.png","description":"WOW, we did save the best for last in this French Alps North tour! In ride 1 we went North towards Lac Leman, in ride 2 we went West to Lac du Bourget and in this ride 3 we are going South-East to a smaller, but especially with its iconic Chapelle very pretty - lake: Lac Roselend. But what about the Col de Aravis, Col du Pr\u00e9 (making it one of the most difficult rides we have in our tours) and Col de la Forclaz. This ride truly dives in deep to the French Alps with some serious mountain riding. We love it!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Annecy","distance":{"km":"190","miles":"120"},"difficulty":"100","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"57805","en":{"title":"Brittany's Bays","description":"ROUTES ARE TESTED. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER\/OCTOBER 2024","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/brittanys-bays","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Quimper","country":"fr","rating":"0","location":["47.99380956085172","-4.1052"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[]},{"content_id":"57817","en":{"title":"Pearls of Brittany","description":"ROUTES ARE TESTED. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER\/OCTOBER 2024","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/pearls-of-brittany","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"St Malo","country":"fr","rating":"0","location":["48.649580927112474"," -2.01"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[]},{"content_id":"57818","en":{"title":"Carcassonne Crusade","description":"ROUTES ARE TESTED. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER\/OCTOBER 2024","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/carcassonne-crusade","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Carcassonne","country":"fr","rating":"0","location":["43.20663650039417","2.36427"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[]},{"content_id":"68","en":{"title":"Kingdom of Navarre","description":"Pamplona was the capital of the Kingdom of Navarre and is situated in a beautiful area in the Basque country. You will find the Pyrenees in the North and the Rioja area in the South. And thus a perfect central point for the Kingdom of Navarre tour. It is a lovely city where you will definitely be able to spend some nice time on one \u2013 or more \u2013 of the beautiful terraces and soak in its history.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_tourImage\/KoN-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_tourImageThumb\/KoN-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/kingdom-of-navarre","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_headerImage\/KoN-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_headerImage\/KoN-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_headerImage\/KoN-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/KoN-Pamplona-with-its-recommended-addommodations-min.pdf","video":"lLFHp4CCs5w"},"nl":{"title":"Koninkrijk Navarra","description":"Pamplona was de hoofdstad van het koninkrijk Navarra en ligt in een prachtige omgeving in Baskenland. In het noorden vindt je de Pyrenee\u00ebn en in het zuiden het Rioja-gebied. En dus een perfect centraal punt voor de Koninkrijk Navarra tour. Het is een mooie stad waar je zeker een leuke tijd zult hebben op een - of meerdere - van de prachtige terrassen en kunt genieten van de geschiedenis.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/cafe.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/cafe.png","link":"\/tours\/koninkrijk-navarra","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Pamplona","country":"es","rating":"9","location":["42.81743039132413"," -1.643"],"related_tours_1":["69","38","15420"],"related_tours_2":["42"],"rides":[{"content_id":"71","en":{"title":"Kingdom of Navarre ride 1","locations":["Lumbier","Valle de Roncal","Roncesvalles"],"video":"d-IsIL2IhOU","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_videoImage\/KoN-ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of this Kingdom of Navarre tour is a true Pyrenees mountain ride. The ride contains 200 km \/ 125 miles of lovely winding mountains roads. We will pass a few true mountain passes, cruise through gorges and over some hilly plains. Combined with perfect stops for coffee, lunch, stunning views and some sightseeing a true quality roadtrip beyond crazy."},"nl":{"title":"Koninkrijk Navarra rit 1","locations":["Lumbier","Valle de Roncal","Roncesvalles"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/zonnebloemen.png","description":"Rit 1 van deze Koninkrijk Navarra-tour is een echte bergrit in de Pyrenee\u00ebn. De rit bevat 200 km aan mooie kronkelende bergwegen. We passeren een paar echte bergpassen en rijden door kloven en over enkele heuvelachtige vlaktes. Gecombineerd met perfecte stops voor koffie, lunch, een prachtig uitzicht en wat sightseeing een echte kwaliteits-roadtrip."},"place":"Pamplona","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"70","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"72","en":{"title":"Kingdom of Navarre ride 2","locations":["Sierra de Urbasa","Estella"],"video":"m1Uq96CppGo","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Kingdom-of-Navarre\/_videoImage\/KoN-ride-2.jpg","description":"Ride 2 of the Kingdom of Navarre tour is a bit shorter with 175 km \/ 108 miles, but it is FILLED with nice curves! The ride will take you to the Sierra de Urbasa, the precursors of the Spanish Pyrenees. We added a stop in a lovely valley where you can get some drinks or food \u00e1nd do some sightseeing. We will cross the Camino and added a quick fun stop at this pilgrimage place. Another very nice ride in a beautiful area."},"nl":{"title":"Koninkrijk Navarra rit 2","locations":["Sierra de Urbasa","Estella"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/landschap.png","description":"Rit 2 van de Koninkrijk Navarra-tour is iets korter met 175 km, maar het is gevuld met mooie bochten! De rit brengt je naar de Sierra de Urbasa, de voorlopers van de Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn. We hebben een stop toegevoegd in een mooie vallei waar je wat drankjes of eten kunt krijgen \u00e9n wat sightseeing kunt doen. We steken de Camino over en voegen een snelle, leuke stop toe aan dit bedevaartsoord. Weer een hele mooie rit in een prachtige omgeving."},"place":"Pamplona","distance":{"km":"175","miles":"108"},"difficulty":"70","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"69","en":{"title":"Spanish Pyrenees","description":"Situated at the South side of and in the centre of Pyrenees, Ainsa is the perfect central point to explore the Spanish side of the Pyrenees. And although the rides do not contain the highest mountain passes that can be found in the Pyrenees, the rides will offer you some serious Quazy riding in a beautiful environment. With its historic centre, Ainsa is a lovely village to spend your time during the Spanish Pyrenees tour.\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_tourImage\/SP-Tour.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_tourImageThumb\/SP-Tour.jpg","link":"\/tours\/spanish-pyrenees","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_headerImage\/SP-header-1.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_headerImage\/SP-header-2.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_headerImage\/SP-header-3.jpg"],"pdf":"Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/SP-Ainsa-with-its-recommended-addommodations-min.pdf","video":"vgCooSIq9hc"},"nl":{"title":"Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn","description":"Gelegen aan de zuidkant van en in het centrum van de Pyrenee\u00ebn, is Ainsa het perfecte centrale punt om de Spaanse kant van de Pyrenee\u00ebn te verkennen. En hoewel de ritten niet de hoogste bergpassen bevatten die in de Pyrenee\u00ebn te vinden zijn, bieden de ritten je een aantal serieuze tochten in een prachtige omgeving. Met zijn historische centrum is Ainsa een mooie plaats om tijd te besteden tijdens de Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn tour.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImage\/bergdorp.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/_tourImageThumb\/bergdorp.png","link":"\/tours\/spaanse-pyreneeen","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Ainsa","country":"es","rating":"10","location":["42.417397444338036"," 0.138"],"related_tours_1":["38","68","15401","15420"],"related_tours_2":["42"],"rides":[{"content_id":"74","en":{"title":"Spanish Pyrenees ride 1","locations":["Torreciudad","Alquezar"],"video":"IH4NDMa-8Ec","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_videoImage\/SP-Ride-1.jpg","description":"The 195 km \/ 120 miles of ride 1 of the Spanish Pyrenees tour are filled with sweeping bends and winding roads in the area South of Ainsa. We will show you some of the most beautiful views the Sierra y Ca\u00f1ones de Guara Natural Park has to offer overlooking the Rio Vero canyon. Ending this ride on the Plaza Mayor of Ainsa made it a perfect day in the Spanish Pyrenees for us."},"nl":{"title":"Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn rit 1","locations":["Torreciudad","Alquezar"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/bergdorp2.png","description":"De 195 km van rit 1 van de Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn-tour zijn gevuld met weidse bochten en kronkelende wegen in het gebied ten zuiden van Ainsa. We laten je enkele van de mooiste uitzichten zien die het natuurpark Sierra y Ca\u00f1ones de Guara te bieden heeft met uitzicht op de Rio Vero-kloof. Het be\u00ebindigen van deze rit op de Plaza Mayor van Ainsa maakte het voor ons een perfecte dag in de Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn."},"place":"Ainsa","distance":{"km":"195","miles":"120"},"difficulty":"70","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"75","en":{"title":"Spanish Pyrenees ride 2","locations":["Jaca","Valle de Ordesa"],"video":"FC6ShLrll3Y","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Spanish-Pyrenees\/_videoImage\/SP-Ride-2.jpg","description":"Ride 2 of the Spanish Pyrenees tour holds 205 km \/ 125 miles of very nice winding roads East of Ainsa. The ride has a stop in one of the other popular cities amongst bikers. And we are bringing you as close as you can get on the bike to the biggest natural park of the Pyrenees with stunning views. We are sure you are going to enjoy this ride, of course ending in Ainsa!"},"nl":{"title":"Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn rit 2","locations":["Jaca","Valle de Ordesa"],"video":"","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/_videoImage\/bergwand.png","description":"Rit 2 van de Spaanse Pyrenee\u00ebn-tour bevat 205 km van zeer mooie kronkelende wegen ten oosten van Ainsa. De rit heeft een stop in een van de populaire steden. En we brengen je zo dicht mogelijk naar het grootste natuurpark van de Pyrenee\u00ebn met een prachtig uitzicht. We zijn er zeker van dat je gaat genieten van deze rit, die natuurlijk eindigt in Ainsa!"},"place":"Ainsa","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"80","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"15401","en":{"title":"Riding the Rioja","description":"The Rioja is a famous Spanish red wine and therefore the Rioja region is filled with vineyards on the hills. The region is surrounded by mountains protecting the region from the cold wind and rain from the sea and therefore has a hot and dry climate. So a perfect region to explore in a motorcycle tour! The 2 rides will be exploring the Rioja Baja, Alavesa \u00e1nd Alta, the beautiful landscape the river Ebro formed here and some amazingly well preserved beautiful old towns. And the city of Haro, the unofficial capital of the Rioja, is a very pleasant town and therefore a good place to stay.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_tourImage\/Riding-the-Rioja-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_tourImageThumb\/Riding-the-Rioja-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/riding-the-rioja","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_headerImage\/42.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_headerImage\/41.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_headerImage\/40.jpg"],"pdf":"Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/E-BOOK-RR-Haro-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"NLEDnraDAOo"},"nl":{"title":"Rijden in de Rioja","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/rijden-in-de-rioja","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Haro","country":"es","rating":"9","location":["42.57720014120003"," -2.846"],"related_tours_1":["69","15420"],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"18965","en":{"title":"Riding the Rioja ride 1","locations":["Balcon de Rioja","Villa\u00f1a\u00f1e","Frias"],"video":"SGiJwa7OtZs","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_videoImage\/Riding-the-Rioja-Ride-1.jpg","description":"In ride 1 of Riding the Rioja tour you are gonna go North and North West of Haro into the Rioja Alavesa and Rioja Alta and you will be getting some very nice views on the Rioja vineyards!\nOf course there are some nice stops planned in this ride to soak in the views, drinks, food and just a little bit of sightseeing. One stop is in the proclaimed one of the 3 most beautiful towns in the whole of Spain! Coming back to Haro the ride will be following the Rio Ebro through the Parc Natural Montes Obarenes. The total ride is 210 km \/ 130 miles and will really give you an amazing day in the Rioja. "},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Haro","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"45","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"19089","en":{"title":"Riding the Rioja ride 2","locations":["Monasterio de Valvanera","Iregua valley","Laguardia"],"video":"F0Nc30kdzjA","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Riding-the-Rioja\/_videoImage\/Riding-the-Rioja-Ride-2.jpg","description":"Ride 2 of the Riding the Rioja tour is going South of Haro for 200 km \/ 125 miles. So with the 2 rides you will explore the whole of the Rioja region. And although the ride does leave the official Rioja region at the end to go into the Basque country, we\u2019re not leaving the Rioja area. You will be surrounded by vineyards and we have planned a nice last stop in the capital of the Rioja Alavesa! The ride cruises some nice mountainous areas, so a proper motorcycle ride to explore this part of the Rioja."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Haro","distance":{"km":"200","miles":"125"},"difficulty":"85","rating":"8"}]},{"content_id":"15405","en":{"title":"Costa Verde","description":"The Costa Verde is literally the green coast of Spain. And the green is beautiful, but is a result from enough rain. So you need to be a bit lucky with the weather. But also with some rain, we enjoyed exploring this area on our motorbikes. Only winding roads with amazing views on the spectacular cliffs of the coastline, but also some serious mountainous areas to cross with also some beautiful views. And we found some pretty nice stops for drinks and food, besides the central point of this tour: the lovely fishing village if Cudillero where you can definitely have a nice stay!","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_tourImage\/Costa-Verde-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_tourImageThumb\/Costa-Verde-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/costa-verde","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_headerImage\/45.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_headerImage\/44.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_headerImage\/43.jpg"],"pdf":"Spain\/Costa-Verde\/E-BOOK-CV-Cudillero-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"VRXsiYQGtSo"},"nl":{"title":"Costa Verde","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/costa-verde","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Cudillero","country":"es","rating":"9","location":["43.56312855737195"," -6.145"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"19298","en":{"title":"Costa Verde ride 1","locations":["Cabo Vidio","Luarca","Embalse de Pilotuerto"],"video":"X4RZQG8_yaE","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_videoImage\/Costa-Verde-Ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of the Costa Verde tour will be following the coastline of the Costa Verde towards the West as this offers very winding roads and some nice views on the ocean and the spectacular cliffs of the Costa Verde. And after coffee we will dive down South to discover that the back country of Asturda also has some very nice motorcycle riding to do!\n"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Cudillero","distance":{"km":"215","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"60","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"19486","en":{"title":"Costa Verde ride 2","locations":["Puerto de San Lorenzo","Desfiladero del Teverga","Proaza"],"video":"tP3tmYcCYsI","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Costa-Verde\/_videoImage\/Costa-Verde-Ride-2.jpg","description":"Ride 2 of the Costa Verde will shoot straight down into Asturia to the Parque Natural de Somiedo. As in ride 1 again enough very scenic and winding roads, but this time just not following the coast line. With a true mountain pass and a gorge a very nice way to discover this part of Asturia, especially in combination with some nice stops for drinks and food. "},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Cudillero","distance":{"km":"215","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"75","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"15419","en":{"title":"Picos de Europa","description":"The Picos de Europa are one of the most beautiful mountain regions of Spain, and maybe even Europe!\nThe name comes from the seafarers returning home as the steep peaks of the mountains were the first sight of their homeland. There are sleepy villages in the green valleys, orchards and authentic farms on the slopes and the tops of the mountains are steep and rugged. It is a wonderful destination and VERY loved amongst bikers. And there are some good reasons why its called bikers paradise. You can do some real mountain riding with nice curves everywhere, A-MA-ZING views and a lot of fellow motorcyclists all enjoying this paradise.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_tourImage\/Picos-de-Europa-TOUR.jpg","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_tourImageThumb\/Picos-de-Europa-TOUR.jpg","link":"\/tours\/picos-de-europa","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_headerImage\/47.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_headerImage\/48.jpg","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_headerImage\/46.jpg"],"pdf":"Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/E-BOOK-Potes-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"JSSF8JuA1JU"},"nl":{"title":"Picos de Europa","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/picos-de-europa","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Potes","country":"es","rating":"10","location":["43.15353194874733"," -4.623"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"19670","en":{"title":"Picos de Europa ride 1","locations":["Picos Triangle","Mirador del Corzo","Mirador del Fitu","Desfiladeri de la Hermida"],"video":"xeGdwacEoCI","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_videoImage\/Picos-de-Europa-Ride-1.jpg","description":"Ride 1 of our Quazy Rides Picos de Europa tour is probably the most standard and well known route in this bikers paradise, called the Picos triangle. But is has some amazing roads to get to a few of the most famous miradors in this area where you will get the most amazing views. And hey if it is that good, it is of course good enough for us!\n"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Potes","distance":{"km":"240","miles":"150"},"difficulty":"45","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"19748","en":{"title":"Picos de Europa ride 2","locations":["Parque Natural Montana Palentina","Mirador de Piedrasluengas","N621"],"video":"CeQLXKFLVWI","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Spain\/Picos-de-Europa\/_videoImage\/Picos-de-Europa-Ride-2.jpg","description":"As we are in the Picos de Europa and this is a true bikers paradise of course we have a 2d ride in this tour. This ride is going South into the Parque Natural Montana Palentina that is just South East of the real Picos de Europa. Still nice riding to do and you will get some nice views ON the peaks of the Picos de Europa!\n"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Potes","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"134"},"difficulty":"65","rating":"10"}]},{"content_id":"57819","en":{"title":"Fightng for Andorra","description":"ROUTES ARE TESTED. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER\/OCTOBER 2024","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/fightng-for-andorra","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"La Seu d'Urgell","country":"es","rating":"0","location":["42.35704056469192"," 1.4600"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[]},{"content_id":"57820","en":{"title":"Gateway to the Costa Brava","description":"ROUTES ARE TESTED. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER\/OCTOBER 2024","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/gateway-to-the-costa-brava","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Gerona","country":"es","rating":"0","location":["41.97744084006036"," 2.8178"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[]},{"content_id":"21389","en":{"title":"German Alps","description":"F\u00fcssen is located in south-west Bavaria in the foothills of the Alps surrounded by mountains and lakes and therefor PERFECT as the central point for a tour exploring those German Alps! Of course we will be going on the best parts of both the Romantische Strasse, the Romantic Road ending in F\u00fcssen, and the Deutsche Alpenstrasse, the German Alpine road passing through F\u00fcssen. And all the nice bits in between. Curvy roads with amazing views. Add the perfect stops for views, drinks and food and you will have 2 amazing rides and a very enjoyable motorcycle tour from F\u00fcssen in the German Alps. And what about ending your rides at 2 of the WORLD'S most fairytale castle in a stunning environment? You can as the so called K\u00f6nigsschl\u00f6sser, the Royal castles, are that close to F\u00fcssen.","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_tourImage\/German-Alps-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_tourImageThumb\/German-Alps-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/german-alps","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_headerImage\/Header-GA-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_headerImage\/Header-GA-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_headerImage\/Header-GA-1.png"],"pdf":"Germany\/German-Alps\/E-BOOK-F\u00fcssen-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"czHq4ZLpLyA"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"F\u00fcssen","country":"de","rating":"9","location":["47.569856614485154"," 10.70"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"25834","en":{"title":"German Alps 1","locations":["Sisi Zuckerb\u00e4ckerei & Caf\u00e9","Oberstaufen","Breitachklamm","Deutsche Alpenstrasse"],"video":"008e20FS0Io","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_videoImage\/German-Alps-Ride-1.png","description":"The German Alps lie in the Southernmost part of Bavaria against the Austrian border. A wonderful area with clear blue mountain lakes and high peaks. This ride 1 will be exploring which is called one of Germany's most beautiful tourist regions. The ride is mostly in Germany, but will cross into Austria for 2 short parts. And of course we will be doing the best parts of the Deutsche Alpenstrasse. With stops in Kempten where you can enjoy a Sisi or Franzl breakfast and at Central Europe's deepest gorge for an amazing stretch of the legs during this ride, this is what we define as a QUAZY RIDE."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"F\u00fcssen","distance":{"km":"215","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"50","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"25957","en":{"title":"German Alps 2","locations":["Romantische Strasse","Deutsche Alpenstrasse","Fallerklamm Br\u00fccke","Oberammergau"],"video":"lrgazm7qLG4","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/German-Alps\/_videoImage\/German-Alps-Ride-2.png","description":"Starting this ride 2 with some of the best parts of the Deutsche Alpenstrasse \u00e1nd the Romatische strasse, you know that it's gonna be an amazing ride. Also in this ride 2 we will be going into Austria for a short part, of course avoiding the restricted areas for motorcycles. With nice stops for drinks and food in ski resorts \u00e1nd riding the most popular panorama road in Germany, being also the most photographed motif in Germany. So you will definitely be exploring the German Alps!\n"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"F\u00fcssen","distance":{"km":"225","miles":"140"},"difficulty":"30","rating":"8"}]},{"content_id":"21391","en":{"title":"Black Forest","description":"Measuring 160 km \/ 100 miles from top to bottom the Black Forest - Schwarzwald - is a lovely expanse of hills, lakes and forest, topping out at the 1.493m \/ 4.898 feet Feldberg. It reaches from the spa town of Baden-Baden to the Swiss border, and from the Rhine almost to Lake Constance. We had read that this corner of Germany is made for \"slow touring on one of the many twisty roads with sensational views\". I don\u2019t know if our motorcycle tours count for \"slow touring\", but we have 2 amazing rides in this area for some very enjoyable touring with stops at some of the Schwarzwald highlights. And all this with Rottweil (sounds familiar?) as a nice central point!\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_tourImage\/Black-Forest-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_tourImageThumb\/Black-Forest-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/black-forest","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_headerImage\/Black-Forest-header-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_headerImage\/Black-Forest-Header-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_headerImage\/Black-Forest-header-1.png"],"pdf":"Germany\/Black-Forest\/E-BOOK-Rottweil-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"Q-zIR-xrZ9U"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Rottweil","country":"de","rating":"9","location":["48.16782600183832"," 8.6271"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"26326","en":{"title":"Black Forest 1","locations":["Schiltach","Gengenbach","World largest Cuckoo Clock"],"video":"A5ekC0Numqw","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_videoImage\/Black-Forest-1.png","description":"With this ride 1 of the BLack Forest tour you can discover the more Northern part of the Black Forest, Schwarzwald, with some very nice riding through the actual forests. With stops in very charming and almost fairytale villages with the typical half-timbered houses, but also a stop at the WORLD'S LARGEST CUCKOO CLOCK a very fun ride!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Rottweil","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"30","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"26399","en":{"title":"Black Forest 2","locations":["Donauquelle","Titisee","Triberger Wasserfall"],"video":"6C654N-kQzQ","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Germany\/Black-Forest\/_videoImage\/Black-Forest-2.png","description":"As we already explored the Northern part of the Black Forest in ride 1, ride 2 is diving into the more South part of the Black Forest. Enough very nice touring to do in that area as well and the stops in this ride are all about the water in this area. Coffeestop at the source of the Donau, lunchstop at the Titisee and a last stop to stretch your legs at Germany's highest waterfall. What is not to love about the Black Forest and enjoying it in a motorcycle tour?"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Rottweil","distance":{"km":"230","miles":"145"},"difficulty":"45","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"21395","en":{"title":"Italian Lakes","description":"The lakes of Northern Italy invite you to discover them, conquer them and then fall head over heels in love with them. As the lakes are set in an idyllic mountain and hill landscape, we knew we just had to come here for a motorcycle tour. With the 2 rides we have here you will be \"cruising\" the lakes: Como, Menaggio, Lugano and even Piano. Of course with good stops for the most spectacular views on those lakes while enjoying a real Italian coffee or cappuccino, a pasta or pizza for lunch and a drink or gelato to end an Italian ride in style. We discovered, conquered \u00e1nd fell in love with the lakes. Will you too?","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_tourImage\/Italian-Lakes-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_tourImageThumb\/Italian-Lakes-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/italian-lakes","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_headerImage\/Italian-Lakes-header-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_headerImage\/Italian-Lakes-header-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_headerImage\/Italian-Lakes-header-1.png"],"pdf":"Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/E-BOOK-Menaggio-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"PAeLhIIZ2Qw"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Menaggio","country":"it","rating":"9","location":["46.01960937352293"," 9.2391"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"30034","en":{"title":"Italian Lakes 1","locations":["Lake Como","Varenna","Bellagio","Como"],"video":"TTdO7Is9Ch8","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_videoImage\/Italian-Lakes-Ride-1.png","description":"Lake Como is the second largest lake in Italy after Lake Garda. It is 50 km long and 4.5 km at its widest point, but has 2 branches at the bottom, which makes the route around Lake Como already a 1 days ride. Of course we are not just following the shores of the lake, but found the nicest roads for a nice motorcycle ride, offering you some amazing views on Lake Como. With stops at a few of the most famous towns at Lake Como maybe not the most surprising, but a very enjoyable ride to do and explore the area."},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Menaggio","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"95","rating":"8"},{"content_id":"30137","en":{"title":"Italian Lakes 2","locations":["Balcone d'Italia","Laveno","Lago Maggiore","(Lago di) Lugano"],"video":"aLjlRHX-fr0","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Italian-Lakes\/_videoImage\/Italian-Lakes-Ride-2.png","description":"As ride 1 was all about Lago di Como in this ride 2 you are gonna cruise along the 3 biggest lakes in this area and truly make it the Italian Lakes tour. Of course you will start off with a small part of Lago di Como, this part in the other direction than in ride 1. But we\u2019re already leaving Lago di Como soon to go to the most amazing view you can get on Lago di Lugano before descending and cruising along its shores. And once you've ticked that box, you will be heading towards Lago Maggiore. With a last part of following the branches of Lago di Lugano and even a quick stop in the lovely city \u00e1nd a much smaller 4th lake, Lago di Piano, you will finish this beautiful Italian Lakes ride again in Menaggio at Lago di Como. That's what we call \"cruising the lakes\"!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Menaggio","distance":{"km":"195","miles":"120"},"difficulty":"90","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"21396","en":{"title":"Stunning Tuscany","description":"Hopefully we all agree that Tuscany is STUNNING, also if you haven't seen it in real life. SO we could only come up with 1 name for this tour: STUNNING TUSCANY> And you can't really go wrong in Tuscany. Whatever direction you will be heading on a motorcycle ride, you will come across some of the most amazing views on the landscapes with the typical rolling hills and beautiful medieval towns on amazing locations, but also find Tuscany has rich forests and vineyards. With our 3 (!) rides we have in this Stunning Tuscany tour you are sure you won't miss any of those highlights. We have found (and tested) the most amazing roads and stops for you to enjoy Tuscany on your motorcycle. How do Montieri, Volterra, San Gimignano, Montalcino, Pienza and Florence sound to you? And this all with the beautiful, but also very enjoyable city of Siena as the central point! Which means we also have tips on What to do and Where to stay in Siena.\nSo, what are you waiting for? Go explore Stunning Tuscany!","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_tourImage\/Stunning-Tuscany-Tour.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_tourImageThumb\/Stunning-Tuscany-Tour.png","link":"\/tours\/stunning-tuscany","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_headerImage\/ST-header-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_headerImage\/ST-header-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_headerImage\/ST-header-1.png"],"pdf":"Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/E-BOOK-Siena-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"QGcqfT4yaGs"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Siena","country":"it","rating":"10","location":["43.31823885049614"," 11.331"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"31050","en":{"title":"Stunning Tuscany 1","locations":["Montieri","Volterra","San Gimignano"],"video":"LG6mdeSSTfI","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_videoImage\/Stunning-Tuscany-Ride-1.png","description":"In this ride 1 we are going West of Siena for some very nice riding through the rolling hills \u00e1nd forests of Tuscany with some stops at true Tuscan highlights! A Coffee stop in the medieval Montieri surrounded by forests of chestnuts, lunch in Volterra, claimed to be one of the most beautiful towns, and a last stop in the medieval Manhattan: San Gimignano. With all the nice riding in between!\n"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Siena","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"60","rating":"9"},{"content_id":"31167","en":{"title":"Stunnung Tuscany 2","locations":["Montalcino","Val d'Orcia","Pienza"],"video":"9eslQuSESk0","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_videoImage\/Stunning-Tuscany-Ride-2.png","description":"If you think you will have seen the best parts of Tuscany and the most beautiful medieval towns with just ride 1\u2026think again! With this ride 2 we are going to explore the part of Tuscany South East of Siena and the famous Val d'Orcia. This is where you will get those postcard views!\nWe will be doing what we think is one of the most beautiful parts to ride here in Tuscany with those amazing views. For coffee and lunch stops we are going to some of the most beautiful towns in the area: Montalcino and Pienza! And topping it of with riding through the Crete Senesi. We are really excited about this ride and rated it the highest we can. So if you are in this area, at least do this ride. You won't be sorry!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Siena","distance":{"km":"190","miles":"120"},"difficulty":"50","rating":"10"},{"content_id":"31274","en":{"title":"Stunning Tuscany 3","locations":["Monteriggion1","Firenze","Greve in Chianti"],"video":"3GBO9etzt7o","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Stunning-Tuscany\/_videoImage\/Stunning-Tuscany-Ride-3.png","description":"All our tours have at least 2 rides, but as we LOVE riding in Tuscany we do have a 3d ride here. It is the shortest ride of the 3 as we have a very special lunch stop where you'd probably want to spend some time as well. But we can say the ride is short, but sweet with still very nice riding to do, especially when we're exploring the chianti area on the way back from ....... FLORENCE!!!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Siena","distance":{"km":"160","miles":"100"},"difficulty":"40","rating":"9"}]},{"content_id":"21397","en":{"title":"Mighty Dolomites","description":"\nYou all most probably have seen some images of the Dolomites with its typical steep rock faces and peaks that are created by erosion and weathering. A beautiful sight! Did you know that about 16 mountains in the Dolomites reach the 3,000-metre mark, which is a bit over 9.800 ft. and its highest peak, the Marmolada, is 3343 metres \/ 10.967 ft. In 2009 the Dolomites were added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in its entirity! So we can rightly call them the MIGHTY Dolomites. With Bressanone as its central point this is an amazing motorcycle tour in the North Western part of the Dolomites with 2 rides to conquering those MIGHTY peaks. We even had one of the most enjoyable day rides we have done....ever! So, are the Mighty Dolomites on your bike-it list already?\n","description_extra":"","tour_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_tourImage\/Mighty-Dolomites-TOUR.png","tour_image_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_tourImageThumb\/Mighty-Dolomites-TOUR.png","link":"\/tours\/mighty-dolomites","headers":["https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_headerImage\/Header-MD-3.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_headerImage\/Header-MD-2.png","https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Tour-Headers\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_headerImage\/Header-MD-1.png"],"pdf":"Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/E-book-Bressanone-with-its-recommended-accommodations.pdf","video":"kscT69uNCkA"},"nl":{"title":"","description":"","description_extra":"","tour_image":"","tour_image_thumb":"","link":"\/tours\/","headers":[],"pdf":"","video":""},"place":"Bressanone","country":"it","rating":"10","location":["46.716067178519204"," 11.65"],"related_tours_1":[],"related_tours_2":[],"rides":[{"content_id":"38404","en":{"title":"Mighty Dolomites 1","locations":["Passo delle Erbe, Campolongo, Pordoi and Sella","Ortisei","Longomoso"],"video":"OZFF0nHfzVk","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_videoImage\/Mighty-Dolomites-Ride-1.png","description":"The Passo delle Erbe, Passo Campolongo, Passo Pordoi \u00e1nd the Passo Sella. All in this ride 1 of the Mighty Dolomites tour. No wonder we felt like doing one of the BEST RIDES EVER! The riding is amazing, the views on those typical steep peaks fantastic. And to top it of we have some great stops for a nice coffee, lunch \u00e1nd a last drink with another surprisingly beautiful view. This ride has it al! When can we go again?"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Bressanone","distance":{"km":"210","miles":"130"},"difficulty":"90","rating":"10"},{"content_id":"38528","en":{"title":"Mighty Dolomites 2","locations":["Bolzano","Passo Palade","Passo di Monte Giovo - Jaufenpass"],"video":"TeA8xzcRXIU","video_image":"https:\/\/\/images\/QR-Youtube-images\/Italy\/Mighty-Dolomites\/_videoImage\/Mighty-Dolomites-Ride-2.png","description":"This ride is going West of Bressanone and will be leaving the official Dolomite area. But we knew from experience that there is a lot of nice riding to do in that area as well, offering some pretty nice views on the peaks of the Mighty Dolomites from a bit of a distance. And with doing the Passo Palade and Passo di Monte Giovo, better know as the Jaufenpass, it is still an amazing mountain ride in the North of Italy!"},"nl":{"title":"","locations":[],"video":"","video_image":"","description":""},"place":"Bressanone","distance":{"km":"220","miles":"135"},"difficulty":"85","rating":"9"}]}]

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